“In Situ: Encounters of Place” a group exhibition at kó Gallery in Lagos

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« In Situ : Encounters of Place » une exposition collective à kó Gallery de Lagos

Kó Gallery presents through November 26, 2022 at its Lagos space “In Situ: Encounters of Place” a group exhibition featuring new work by Asemahle Ntlonti, Ayanfe Olarinde, Ayotunde Ojo, Sesse Elangwe, Stephen Cost and Talut Kareem.

In paintings and mixed media, these artists reflect on the idea of point and beginning in rapidly changing real-world social, political and monetary factors. They offer insights into our shifting understanding of home as a defining element of individual history and a marker of place.

In a time marked by remarkable degrees of movement and the rise of computerized worlds equipped to break down the boundaries of space, time, and culture, these works test our location in the real and virtual world around us.

Ayanfe Olarinde‘s ink and acrylic works continue her investigation of the writing strategy for which she is known. In a mix of pleasing and liquid structures, these works capture the tense harmony between demand and disorder.

In “Stale Wine“, Ayotunde Ojo depicts normal minutes in the encounters experienced by the typical individual.

While Talut Kareem‘s charcoal and pastel works join the artist’s advantage in scenes of youthful self-articulation with his dynamic use of conceptual examples, Stephen Cost uses expressive brushstrokes in works like “Golden Summer” to render a surface authenticity that is both uncomfortable and delicate.

Propelled by themes of personality and edification, Sesse Elangwe‘s acrylic canvases take representation into an intense region. Using media as diverse as cleanser and polypropylene string, Asemahle Ntlonti‘s work consolidates an instinctive practice with a politically intelligent discourse.

This exhibition is organized by Otsholeng Poo, curator at .

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