“The 8th Paritana Prize”: a new celebration of Malagasy artistic diversity

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The Paritana Prize , announces its 8th edition, which promises to be an unmissable event for art lovers the world over. Held annually, the competition aims to support and promote the Malagasy art scene (artists of Malagasy nationality or resident in Madagascar). Until February 25, 2024, contemporary artists from the region are invited to take part in this new edition of the contemporary art competition.

Initiated in 2017 by Eric Dereumaux, Founder and Director of Galerie RX, the Paritana Prize is emerging as a major support for the promotion of Malagasy art across borders. Since its inception, the program has rewarded three outstanding artists selected by a very select jury of art experts.

The lucky winner of the Prize Paritana is awarded a 3,000 euro creative grant, a creative residency at the International City of Arts in Paris and all the support required to take part in the residency (plane ticket, visa, per diem, etc.). He or she is also granted a solo exhibition at the Fondation H in Paris, as well as a personal presentation at the French Institute of Madagascar a few months after returning from the residency.

The other two ex-aequo winners of the competition receive a 500-euro creation grant, as well as customized support from the Fondation H team to set up their exhibition project, and a personal presentation at the Fondation H in Antananarivo.

To ensure a complete and unique artistic experience for the participants and winners of the competition, the Paritana Prize is supported by Air France, the City of the Arts in Paris and the French Institute of Madagascar. As usual, the competition is open to all artists active on the Malagasy art scene, in all media (painting, sculpture, video, photography, installation, etc.).

For this 8th edition of the Paritana Prize, the Fondation H team will be organizing a training session on Thursday January 25, to explain the different dimensions of the prize and enable candidates to prepare their applications. This training session will give way to a discussion room where the artists present and future candidates will be able to talk about their artistic identity and experience, as well as discuss the different levels for competing for the prize. 

Click here to apply for the Paritana Prize 2024.

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