Serigne Ibrahima Dieye presents « Métamorphoses ondulatoires » at the Cécile Fakhoury Gallery in Dakar

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« Métamorphoses ondulatoires » is the theme of the independent exhibition of the Senegalese craftsman Serigne Ibrahima Dieye, which is required for the tenth edition of Partcours until February 26, 2022 at the Gallery Cecile Fakhoury in Dakar.

This exhibition updates the inversion and control of information by the media. Serigne Ibrahima Dieye gives the squares a matte and dark background discovering dull openings in the premises of the Gallery.

He proposes particular characters neither human, nor creatures, nor sphinxes presented to the perspective of the guests. « Métamorphoses ondulatoires » shows scenes of encounters, rhetorical experiments, marches of eloquence and parades of indecency, and furthermore houses the installation « Glitch » which plunges the visitor into the frantic quest for importance to make a neighborhood between restrictive powers.

Serigne Ibrahima Dieye presents « Métamorphoses ondulatoires » at the Cécile Fakhoury Gallery in Dakar
Serigne Ibrahima Dieye presents « Métamorphoses ondulatoires » at the Cécile Fakhoury Gallery in Dakar
Serigne Ibrahima Dieye presents « Métamorphoses ondulatoires » at the Cécile Fakhoury Gallery in Dakar
MÉTAMORPHOSES ONDULATOIRES : Serigne Ibrahima Dieye © Galerie Cécile Fakhoury

Serigne Ibrahima Dieye proposes to each individual who sees his works to venture back in time to have a global perspective on the future, of the universe by taking advantage of new moral stories both amusing and ironic to challenge society.

Serigne Ibrahima Dieye presents « Métamorphoses ondulatoires » at the Cécile Fakhoury Gallery in Dakar

Having acquired through his work the profession of deciphering indecencies through the art of composition, Serigne Ibrahima Dieye dreams of a society obsessed with communication and appearance and invites through his artistic creations to reflection and addressing the role of each in this universe of entertainers and spectators where deceptive appearances replace correspondence and data.

Serigne Ibrahima Dieye

Serigne Ibrahima Dieye presents « Métamorphoses ondulatoires » at the Cécile Fakhoury Gallery in Dakar
Serigne Ibrahima Dieye © Galerie Cécile Fakhoury

Holder of a diploma from the National School of Arts in Dakar, Ibrahima Dieye uses several mediums to communicate, notably drawing, painting and collage. Characters of different structures are born from the mastery of his brush, as well as symbols and materials.

Contemporary artist, creates a universe where creatures and puzzling figures play the role of characters, surprising scenes both fantastic and sensational. In his works, he questions the disasters that strike society.

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