The Kuenyehia Trust announces the launch of the 6th edition of the Kuenyehia Prize. With the aim of increasing African artistic recognition, this year the entry age has been lowered and the prize is currently open to visual artists aged between 18 and 40 living in West Africa. From the youngest to the oldest, all are invited to apply for this edition of the Kuenyehia Prize, in order to offer a wide visibility to the artistic scene of the black continent. The application deadline is December 02, 2022.
Launched in 2015, Kuenyehia Prize, , a non-profit organization based in Ghana, recognizes and remunerates West Africa’s most outstanding artists to help them gain rapid access to the financial stability and comfortable livelihoods from their artistic endeavors.
Winners and other participants receive a prize and tools to improve their practice and exposure through the Kuenyehia Trust network. The exposure the award provides to its artisans allows them to receive accelerated support in their profession, direct monetary benefit and open doors locally and internationally. A golden opportunity for these young or emerging artists to see launching their careers at the very forefront of the international artistic landscape.
Apply here and have a chance to win $10,000, art supplies, training and coaching.
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